
Our team at Trestle conveys the integral stories of the engineering community to the public through the appropriate channels. Members of our team are fully integrated into the marketing arm of our client partners, from developing thought leadership and project stories from conception to offering crisis communication support.

Does your engineering business need help sharing your story?

We know it can be difficult to find the balance between communicating focused details to key stakeholders and sharing basic project elements with the general public. We’d love to lend a hand and craft the correct messaging for your needs in order to showcase your business’ expertise.

Current Client Partners

ACEC Florida

The American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (ACEC Florida) brings together over 300 engineering companies in the state, prioritizing education and growth opportunities for the betterment of Florida. We work to share information on a wide scope of issues, from transportation to energy infrastructure, in the quarterly magazine Engineering Florida.


The American Segmental Bridge Institute (ASBI) provides sustainable solutions for segmental bridge technology. With membership comes access to resources for owners, designers, constructors and suppliers in the industry, such as Grouting Certification Training, seminars on construction practices and an annual conference.


As one of the largest engineering companies in the world, RS&H has a desire to position itself as a premier partner in an increasingly competitive and crowded marketplace. From media relations to thought leadership to sales engagements, it’s imperative to have their voice –their expertise – heard to best position them for long-term growth.

How Can We Help?

Not everything is a one-size-fit-all approach! We customize our strategic support to each client based on their priorities and needs, seeking to become an extension of their team to drive winning results.